The science program at Uniondale High School is geared to prepare each Uniondale graduate to understand the science concepts behind the advances of the 21st century. We want our scholars to experience science and see how it applies in everyday life. The Uniondale High School Science program gives scholars a strong foundation for careers in technology, medicine, engineering, and scientific research. The Science Department encourages all scholars to earn four or more credits in science as the best preparation for careers in the 21st century.
All science curricula are based on the Science Learning Standards New York State P-12 designed to prepare our students for the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) workforce and college pathways.
Super Science Saturday

Arthur N. Registre
Director of Science
Room 327
Uniondale High School
Ms. Cecia Ventura
Phone: 516-560-8857
Fax: 516-918-1043