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Central Registration

Welcome to Uniondale Central Registration!
We are happy to assist you with the registration process.
To proceed, select a language below.

Pre-K extended  flyer

Pre-K extended  flyer

Pre-K extended  flyer

⏰ Extended Hours Alert! Pre-K & Kindergarten registration just got easier! Stop by during our extended hours and get your little one ready for the 2025-2026 school year! #FutureScholars

⏰ ¡Alerta de Horario Extendido! ¡El registro de Pre-K y Kindergarten ahora es más fácil! ¡Pasa durante nuestro horario extendido y prepara a tu pequeño para el año escolar 2025-2026! #FuturosEstudiantes

⏰ Alerte Lè Pwolonje! Enrôlement Pre-K ak Kindergarten vin pi fasil! Pase pandan lè pwolonje nou yo epi prepare pitit ou pou ane lekòl 2025-2026 la! #FutureScholars

Central Registration
Cornelius Court School
1060 Cornelius Court, Uniondale, NY 11553 / (516) 560-8813 /

Mon-Fri 7:00 am-3:45 pm

Central Registration
Dr. Clinton Grant
Director of Data, Assessments, Accountability and Central Registration
Phone Number: 516-560-8813
Fax Number: 516-918-2370