Show choir team after the victory

UNIONDALE, NEW YORK (March 2024) —The Uniondale High School Rhythm of the Knight Show Choir—directed by Lynnette Carr-Hicks, Colton Wynter, and Joe Boardman—achieved the prestigious Grand Champions title at the recent FAME Orlando Show Choir of America event. Competing against three other choirs, their victory marks a significant achievement, showcasing their exceptional talents and dedication.

“I was in shock when they called our names,” said Show Choir Director Mrs. Lynette Carr-Hicks. “It was unbelievable. I am so proud of all of them. The next stop is nationals!”

In addition to winning the grand prize, the Rhythm of the Night show choir secured awards in multiple categories, including best vocals, best choreography, best set, and best visuals, demonstrating their all-around excellence in show choir performance. Cody Dumpson was individually recognized with the "Best Male Stage Presence" award, highlighting his remarkable talent and contribution to the team's success.

This victory not only celebrates the hard work and passion of the students, but also places the UHS Rhythm of the Knight Show Choir among the top performing arts groups in the nation. Their performance can be viewed online, offering a glimpse into the talent and hard work that led to their outstanding achievements. To see the performance, you can view it here:

As the choir contemplates their next challenge at the national level, they face the task of fundraising to support their journey. The community's support will be crucial in enabling these talented scholars to continue showcasing their skills on a national stage.

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Show Choir with Trophy Students planningTeam with the trophy Students with the trophy in front of themThriller Photo ShootVictory celebration Team Cheeringsuperintendent giving speech JROTC saluting the teamUHS Principal Giving Speech